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Coding, opensource and Laravel

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Timezone fix for Plex on Raspberry Pi

16 October 2019

Plex Media Player (or PMP) for Raspberry Pi is an easy and light weight way to get Plex Media Player running on a Pi. Besides flashing the image to an SD card it requires no setup.

A default timezone is configured but the interface provides no (easy) way to change this. This is how you fix it in a few minutes.

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Self-hosted GitHub pages

13 September 2017

GitHub pages is a great way to host a simple website or blog when you do not need dynamic pages, a database and logins. When you set it up it is hosted by the Github infrastructure and whenever you push changes to GitHub, a few seconds later the changes appear on you website. But in some cases it might be interesting to host your website yourself. This gives you more control of the webserver, you can use SSL (and you should) and you can use all sorts of plugins to add to your website. Besides that, this guide is a great introduction to building you Jekyll website on Digital Ocean.

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Headless Raspberry Pi setup with wifi

14 March 2017

Once in a while i want to setup a new Raspberry Pi without the need to connect it to a display, keyboard or ethernet cable. The Raspberry Pi 3 and the recently introduced Raspberry Pi Zero W have an onboard wifi chip. This means it can run and connect to the internet without having an ethernet cable connected to it. I wrote this article mainly for myself so i can reproduce the steps, but figured this is probably useful to others.

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Synology Pushover notifications

10 May 2014

Synology logo Recently I became the owner of a Synology DS214+. Since my HTPC was running out of space and consuming a lot of power, a Nas with lots of storage seemed right. It was all self explanatory and after some research i was able to get NZBget, Sickbeard, Couchpotato and HTPC-Manager running exactly the way i wanted. Next i wanted Pushover notifications!

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